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April 1, 2008

Think and Imagine: Article on gnovis

Filed under: Academic,Technology — Jed @ 10:56 am

THINKFilm and an article on gnovisgnovis ran an article of mine today about a keynote delivered by THINKFilm’s Mark Urman at the URI conference last week, and the impact of digital distribution and net-neutrality on culture. You should all go and read it!

How is Urman shaping independent film? Well, I will leave that for my article on gnovis, but I will share a funny bit that I couldn’t quite fit in.

When URI’s Dr. John Leo was introducing Mark Urman to the stage, he stopped for a moment to ponder the name THINKFilm.

“Is that an acronym?”, he seemed to ask no one it particular.

Urman answered from his seat in the audience: “It’s a command!”

Go read the rest!

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