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August 6, 2008

Bush’s Legacy: “Comic”?

Filed under: Personal — Jed @ 4:40 pm

My friend Tim from Utah has been visiting this week. Last night in the midst of John Stewart, he asked the following question: “How do you think history will treat President Bush?”

Compared to my Media and Politics focused peers at CCT I am a totally poli-wuss. All the same we compared notes, exchanged ideas, and then quickly agreed that we had no idea. Will history blame Bush for the last 8 year or will he fade into presidential obscurity over time?

Imagine my delight when I found the following clip this morning. Perhaps our problem was with the term “presidential”.

4 Responses to “Bush’s Legacy: “Comic”?”

  1. batman Says:

    Nice. You’re cute. (sorry I haven’t have coffee or food yet my clever is running low).

  2. Al Says:

    had me fooled . .

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