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February 8, 2009

craigslist voyeurism at MSU

Filed under: Academic,Personal — Jed @ 1:19 pm

Not a Spartan,... Quailman!Last night I got an acceptance letter to Michigan State University. <Little happy dance.> I know it is still early in the admissions process, but it is nice to have a firm yes from one of my top school choices.

With the prospect of moving quickly approaching, I have found myself imagining what life might be like at any of the seven schools to which I applied. Honestly, I have to admit that East Lansing (where MSU is located — about 1.5 hours west of Detroit) has been the greatest mystery. So for the last 24 hours or so, I have found myself browsing housing ads on craigslist (it is psychotically cheap).

However, as a gay man, there is an entire other set of social variables that I am trying figure out. These tend to be things not found on East Lansing’s tourism website. I’ll admit, I am a bad gay. I don’t go clubbing much (read: since the beginning of grad school), and so websites trying to give me insight on “the scene” are just as useless.

Where to turn? craigslist of course! I mean, I am doing my thesis on Missed Connections, and honestly, the entire personals section of craigslist is a bounty of information about real-world experiences to which you would never otherwise be privy.

This is where it gets weird (and why I am writing this post). The first ad I open up in the Men Seeking Men section was perhaps the strangest ad I have ever seen (and I have seen a lot). It goes as follows:

Reenact an old TV show 😉 – 22
Date: 2009-02-05, 8:37PM EST
who wants to do some roleplaying of the show doug? i want 2 “honk” ure penis and call u skeeter, or maybe you can be roger 😉 let me know and we can make this happen

Doug? As in Nickelodeon? Not quite what I expected, but if everyone is this creative in East Lansing, I have my research cut out for me.

2 Responses to “craigslist voyeurism at MSU”

  1. George Says:

    At the very least, you should be able to help them with their 70’s style website :)


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